1. Before starting Make sure to do a backup of Cabinet Vision before the installation 2. Installation 2.1 Unzip Unzip the file after downloading it 2.2 Installation Close Cabinet Vision before installing the app Double clic on the exe file Follow the ...
1. What is it This module developed by CVF-Cabinet Vision France aims to improve the speed of creation of materials such as melamine panels. We recommend using materials with supplier names, texture and finish equivalent. We also recommend that you ...
1. Name Configuration In this application you can modify the structure of material names and descriptions. For every group (panel, laminate, banding) you can configure the text. The variables that are between brackets will be replaced with the ...
1. What is this module for ? This module was created to add, change, delete parameters on a material list. The difference with Cabinet Vision is that you don't have to open every material to change or modify a value. 2. How to use it I can import a ...